Tactic: Going Limp

Get those minds out of the gutter! I’m referring to the airsoft tactic that I call “going limp”, which has served me well throughout my entire airsoft existence. “Going limp” is my reaction to close contact. I’m not talking about 100+ feet, but more like under 30ft. Let me try and describe how it works:

If another player has the drop on me or we simultaneously are barrel-to-barrel, I collapse and try to fall behind adequate cover. Naturally I do my best to fire off a few rounds to get their head down, but the point is to get out of his line of site and start maneuvering to get a better angle on my opponent. So far, my experience has been that by “going limp”, it buys me enough time to get out of the kill zone and react accordingly.

I know, it sounds ridiculous but I swear by it. I told a few pals about it as so far, they have had similar success. I don’t know if it has become a staple of their tactics catalog, but if it works, I say rock on. Give it a chance the next time you are on point and let me know how you fare.

Comments (1)

  1. Spook


    When scouting, upon seeing the enemy, if he doesn’t see me, I drop back a few paces, then break either left or right to parallel him, making sure any transmissions I make over radio can’t be heard. I’ll call in a SALUTE and shadow him. If it’s just a lone idiot out for a walk, I will knife kill him or take him out with a single shot. If it’s a small group, and I am able to gain a good position (and it doesn’t compromise my mission: scouting) I will take out the lot from good cover.

    The old Vietnam buttonhook is good for breaking away from hostile contact. drop back deep, then break in one direction or the other, to loop around to their side/rear. Done in a sneaky manner (not like a friggin herd of elephants) it works very well.

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