Manufacturer: Tactical Tailor
Package: 1x belt.
Type: Gear
Rating: 5/5
Cost: $38.75 USD
In case you haven’t read any of my previous articles, I’m a die-hard Tactical Tailor fan-boy. I don’t have any connection or affiliation to the company, I just really dig the quality products they put out. During my “Pilgrimage to Tactical Tailor“, I picked up a 40mm Belt 12rd in coyote brown to haul my plethora of Madbull and Mosquito Molds gas grenades. I had seen one in use a few years ago at Op: Irene 3 and was determined to get my hands on one eventually but, over time, it had fallen off my radar. When I was in Seattle visiting family, I made it a point to head down to the factory store and finally snag one.

The build quality is amazing. The belt is adjustable and will fit almost every body type out there, be it around the waist or slung bandoleer style over the body. I prefer the ladder for easy accessibility. The rounds are held in place by a loop of elastic and secured by a hook and loop velcro flap. At first I wasn’t sure how secure this would be or if I even trusted my $50+ rounds to make it through a day of play, but all doubts were set aside after a few hours. I ran, dove, crawled and jumped throughout the day with not a single round becoming dislodged.
Overall, I can’t say enough positive things about this belt. While I still will use my HSGI 40mm pouches when less firepower is needed, the 40mm Belt 12rd scratches a very specific itch when quantity is required.. say when you are running the RPG and need to have a grip of 40mm rounds available, or running a revolver launcher like the ICS GLM. If you have the means and are a 40mm hoarder like me, you can pick up a Tactical Tailor 40mm Belt 12rd on the TT website or at a store where quality gear is sold.
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